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Hann. Muenden -
Houses and Owners 1730 - 1900

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HousesRemarkableOwners since 1730

Rudolf Wegner
574 Häuserspuren...

Houses and Owners 1730 - 1900

All houses in the historic center of Hann.Muenden

- Numbers, position and owners -

between 1730

and the beginning of the 20th century

How to start 
What to do with "Houses and Owners = 574 Haeuserspuren"?

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The first register of the houses of the city was compiled for 562 houses in 1730 with a continuous numbering system.
The register of 1820 listed 574 houses and became the basis of this project.
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These old lists described the location of the houses rather vaguely - for example: Brauhaus on xy street. It was not clear exactly, which house it was. Here you will find out more about this problem.
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You can get to any of the 574 houses in two steps by means of a sensitive city map.
1730 / 1820
1902 / heute
You can find the desired house if you know the house number from any of the four periods.
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Every street of the central city has small scale pictures
to help with the orientation
and detailed pictures of the houses themselves.
For the time period between 1730 and 1900 you can find out the name of a houses owner, his occupation, or certain architectural features of the house...
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In Hann.Muenden it is interesting to compare the different styles of half timbered construction as the houses stand right next to each other, each with its different charming eaves and gable design. The oldest house is dated from 1381!
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Click here if you want to know more about who researched this project, who sponsors the page and who all in general deserve thanks for their contributions.

eMail: Rudolf.Wegner@t-online.de

574 Häuserspuren ...
                   Version 3

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© 2001 Rudolf Wegner
web-space sponsored by BEFO GmbH w3-realisation by H. Gruber & Hann-Muenden.net